Editor Key
Silver AvoKey that plugs into any laptop to unlock v12 and above simulator and v12 on your old Titan One.
Needed for:
Titan One - Below SN T1-20001,
V12 and above Simulator
Part Number: 31-30-0022
Internal AvoKey
Red AvoKey that plugs into your console Additional cables may be required for your console.
To find out more, please check the AvoKey selection guide below.
Needed for:
Quartz - SN below QTZ-03001
Pearl Expert (must have pro upgrade) - All SN's
Tiger Touch (must have pro upgrade) or Tiger Touch II - SN below TT-05001
Arena - SN below AR-01001
Sapphire Touch SN below ST-01001
Titan Net Processor SN below TNP-01001
Part Number: 31-30-0021
Please have console Serial Number ready when making your purchase
External AvoKey
Silver AvoKey that plugs into your laptop to access v12 and above on your Titan Mobile.
Needed for:
Titan Mobile - Serial Number Below TM-05001
Ai Upgrade ( please contact support before purchase)
Part Number: 31-30-0020
For more information on the AvoKey as well as install guides please visit this page:
Avolites Avokey
Counterfeiting is a major threat to innovation and creativity in our industry. Developing software licensing and encryption is not something that excites us, but as we must regularly change our passwords and lock our doors, it is vital we protect our IP. To do this, we have introduced the AvoKey. The AvoKey is a USB dongle that plugs into your console or laptop and allows you to upgrade to Titan v12 and above or Ai v11 and above.
What types of AvoKey are there?
There are three different types of AvoKey: